This is NOT what I had planned!
The confetti had all been swept up. The goals were set. The New Year's hats and horns were all put away. The Christmas decorations...
Welcome to my journey! Life is full of little dashes, pauses, bumps and jumps. Like salt and pepper, there are dashes of joy, sadness, fun, boredom, unexpected twists and turns and a roller coaster of adventures. I handle some with grace, some with grit and some with grumbling. But at the end of the day, I'm thankful for all the dashes. I hope they provide a little seasoning to your lives too.
I consider myself a beautiful mess, a work in progress, flawed perfection to put it honestly. I'm the piece of your grandma's china that has a few chips in it, but still has value.
I'm a mom of a 20 and 16 year old that make me wish everyday time would slow down! I'm a police wife and daughter, a worship pastor, a children's pastor, a zumba instructor, a certified personal trainer, a lover of people and a silver lining kind of girl. If I'm not helping others I feel useless!
Somedays my mind races and 1,000 dashes of wisdom nuggets come to my head. Other days, I stare into space thinking about cake! If we are being honest, the purpose of this blog is to share my cake filled, wisdom nuggets with you, mostly to get them off my chest, but also in hopes that maybe with a little help from my friends, we can all be 1% better tomorrow than we are today!